

Watson and Smith I To P Converter

Watson and Smith I To P Converter

An I/P converter is a current-to-pressure transducer utilized in industrial control systems. It is a small module device used in applications to translate a current analog signal (I) into a pneumatic output (P). In other words, it takes electrical signals from a DC (direct current) signal and converts those signals into proportional pneumatic pressure. I/P transducers convert electrical signals from a controller to apply pneumatic pressure to valves, dampeners, actuators, or brakes and clutches within an industrial mechanism.

  • Input signal: 4-20mA (two wire)
  • Output: 0.2 to 1bar (3 to 15psig)
  • Air supply: Oil free, dry air, filtered to 3 microns;1.5-3.5bar(20-50psig) or at least 0.7bar above maximum output pressure
  • Connections: 1/4” NPT female standard (plus two integral 1/4” NPT gauge ports); others available
  • Failure Mode: Faisafe (output pressure falls to
    minimum on power failure)
  • Weatherproof IP65



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